Small Groups

Small Groups
Growth and transformation happen in community! Small groups are communities where we are transformed more into the image of Christ through our friendships and relationships. Groups are designed to equip you to encounter God through the study of the Bible and prayer; to exhibit Christlikeness by encouraging one another and applying God's Word to your life; and to be empowered for mission, engaging in spiritual conversations, sharing and reflecting Christ in your workplace, neighborhood, homes, and other communities you serve and engage in. Groups meet on a weekly basis.
Join a Small Group
If Park Near North is your church home and you are ready to join a group, please select an option below.
Lead a Small Group
A small group leader disciples and shepherds people in their group to know God and make Him known. Does your life reflect spiritual maturity? Are you passionate about God's Word and coming alongside others as they grow as a follower of Jesus? If you are interested in leading a small group your first step is to attend small group leader training. Email Brian Holzgraefe to find out more.